Myofascial comes from the Latin words
"myo" meaning muscle and "fascia" meaning (fibrous) band
The fascial system is a continuous, glove-like connective tissue sheath that spreads without interruption throughout the entire body in a three-dimensional web. This connective tissue affects all components of the muscular, skeletal, nervous and the visceral (organs) systems. Fascia tissue holds patterns of physical and emotional injuries. These injuries and scared tissue cause the layers of fascia to tighten and stick together creating restriction and muscular pain.
Myofascial Release techniques relax the muscles and break adhesions in the fascia allowing for a deep tissue release. Releasing the stored tension in the fascia allows the forgiveness of cellular memories and allows the body to enjoy better flexibility.
Acu-Pressure/Trigger Point Release Trigger Points are concentration of energy held in the muscles or tendons. Acu-Pressure points run along the body's meridians. These points often refer pain to other parts of the body which can limit movement and range of motion. Congestion in these points are gradually released using Shiatsu point work, deep pressure, movement and energy balancing.
Beneficial combined with massage therapy !